CUPE video highlights the logical endpoint of PC labour polices

To hear Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak speak about it, you’d think reducing the wages and benefits of Ontario workers was a good thing. When Hudak speaks in the legislature about “modernizing” Ontario’s labour laws, ironically he’s reaching back to anti-union legislation adopted in South Carolina and other southern States in the 1950s.

Should Hudak and his Conservatives ever come to power, this may be a major challenge to the stability of our health care workforce.

Recently OPSEU sent a video crew to the United States to look at the impact of such laws on both labour and economy. They found that workers in so-called “right-to-work” States earned less and their economies were among the worst performers. In South Carolina they heard from individuals who were afraid to speak out about conditions in their workplace for fear of losing their jobs. (To watch the OPSEU video, click here).

With the recent proposals by Ontario PCs around “modernizing” Ontario’s labour laws, our colleagues at CUPE put together this partially satirical video pointing out the logical endpoint of such anti-labour policies.

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