Tag Archives: Canadian Medical Association President-elect

New CMA president-elect looks to Scotland as model of improvement

Kingston’s Dr. Chris Simpson has been acclaimed president-elect of the Canadian Medical Association. His term as President begins August 2014.

Simpson is professor of medicine and chief of cardiology at Queen’s University as well as medical director of the Cardiac program at Kingston General Hospital and Hotel Dieu.

Simpson’s interest in health care policy is reflected in his BLOG which focusses on such issues as wait times, health human resources planning, and health care reform.

Critical over rising wait times towards the end of the 2004 Health Accord, Simpson is surprisingly frank: “The reasons are many but they essentially boil down to one indisputable truth: the money that was invested didn’t buy change. All we did was to make the numbers look a little better for a short time.”

In his BLOG he particularly looks at the achievements made in the Scottish Health System, suggesting our proximity to the United States makes it difficult to similarly modify our own system.

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