Tag Archives: Dr. Doug Weir

Docs take McGuinty to court – case likely to decide whether government can unilaterally impose fee schedules and wage freezes

Ontario’s doctors are fighting back after the government unilaterally cut $340 million in fees last month.

The Ontario Medical Association is applying to the Ontario Supreme Court of Justice for a review of the government’s negotiations tactics and the imposition of fee cuts.

The doctors are arguing the landmark BC case in which the Supreme Court of Canada recognized the right to collective bargaining should be extended to the OMA, which has negotiated the fee schedule with government since the beginning of Medicare.

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Bluster turns to action as Ontario rolls back doctor’s fees

Well that didn’t take long.

After a few weeks of bluster, the Ontario government has walked away from bargaining with the province’s doctors and imposed a retroactive fee schedule that rolls back fees affecting 4,500 different OHIP services.

That includes a four-year 11 per cent rollback on fees paid for 250 diagnostic radiology tests that the government claims are justified by improved technological efficiency.

Fees paid for cataracts are being similarly rolled back from $441 to $397.75.

Fees paid for eye injections for retinal disease will be more than halved over four years, from $189 to $90.

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